The Regular meetings of the Lodge are held on the second Tuesday in February and May, first Tuesday in September and first Monday in November (Installation).
Grand Lodge meets at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, WC2, on the second Wednesday in March, June, September and December The Master, Wardens, Master Masons and subscribing Past Masters are eligible to attend.
The Titan Lodge of Instruction No. 6002 meets at The Blue Beetle, Hendon Lane, Finchley, N3 1TS
(opp. Pardes House School) on Monday evenings from 8pm to 9.30pm during the months of September to May.
All Brethren and their Masonic friends are cordially invited to attend.
Brethren contemplating travelling abroad are cautioned not to make any Masonic contacts overseas
with Masons of other Jurisdictions without having ascertained by application to the Grand Secretary at
Freemasons’ Hall, the existence of Regular Masonry in the country concerned. And the address to which
Masonic enquiries in that country should be directed. Brethren are advised to take their Grand Lodge
Certificate with them and obtain a letter of good standing from the Lodge Secretary.